Multifaith Triple COP
Call to Action
15 November 2024
The International Environment Forum has endorsed the following interfaith call to action addressed to the Conferences of the Parties (COP) of the three Rio conventions on climate change, biodiversity and desertification.
As we approach a pivotal alignment of the meetings of the three Rio Conventions in 2024, we, leaders, representatives, and organizations from diverse faith traditions and other communities, unite our voices to address the urgent environmental crisis facing our planet. In this critical moment, we stand to reaffirm and reinvigorate the visionary spirit that birthed these United Nations conventions at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit: UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (CCC), and Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD).
Since then, we have seen the global community come together to advance and reaffirm that vision in a variety of ways. We recognize, however, that we are falling short in protecting the environment and safeguarding it for future generations: we are on track to miss the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement, in the past 50 years we have lost approximately 70% of global biodiversity, and up to 40% of the world's land is degraded, affecting the livelihoods of about 3.2 billion people.
In the face of these challenges, the wisdom of Rio in 1992 rings true today: the crises of nature and biodiversity loss, climate change, and desertification, among others, are intrinsically linked and mutually reinforcing, demanding a coordinated global response. They reflect humanity’s discordant relationship with the rest of the natural world. As we face these interconnected challenges, a comprehensive and restorative approach is necessary to truly “make peace with Nature,” aligning with the principles of the Rio Conventions.
Advances in scientific knowledge, technical capacity, and material resources need to be matched by a parallel will for implementation. History has demonstrated that this gap between knowledge and action can be bridged by faith - religious faith, faith in humanity, or faith in the possibilities that emerge through collaboration. The inspiration to act in unique, profound, and collective ways, conscious of our responsibility to present and future generations, can ensure that words on a page become a lived reality for the planet.
To do so, to heal our fractured relationship with the natural world, requires cooperation and action at every level:
• Globally and nationally, we must realign policies and actions to reflect the urgency and interconnectedness of biodiversity loss, climate change, and land degradation, ensuring that all efforts are consistent with the targets and commitments set forth by the Rio Conventions.
• Locally, we must encourage and nurture community-based, whole-of-society initiatives that honor and protect the ecosystems that sustain life.
• Internally, we must cultivate coherence between inner and outer restoration, recognizing that our personal and collective flourishing is inextricably linked to the health of our planet.
As people of faith and goodwill, we offer these as pathways towards a flourishing world for all. Dialogue and collaboration across boundaries and borders will be instrumental in overcoming the challenges before us. We, therefore, call for enhanced cooperation and partnerships across all lines of distinction to fulfill the objectives of the Rio Conventions and ensure a sustainable future for all.
Now, the fundamental challenge is to return to the spirit of collective effort and potential that animated humanity in 1992. Beyond trying to stop a downward spiral, if we muster the limitless human capacity to break through deadlocks, we can create unprecedented global solidarity and help bring about a better future for all.
Recognizing previous declarations and activities from faith communities on the importance of environmental care, we hereby sign this new Call to Action, reaffirming our commitment to the vision of the Rio Conventions and our sacred responsibility to nurture and protect our planet alongside the rest of Nature.
The Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action was drafted and reviewed by representatives of the following organizations:
Anglican Communion
Baha'i International Community
Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa
G20 Global Land Initiative
ProSocial World
Soka Gakkai International
UNEP Faith for Earth Coalition
United Religions Initiative
WWF Beliefs and Values Program
The drafting of the statement was supported by the G20 Global Land Initiative.
Last updated 19 November 2024