Programme of the
6th Annual Conference of the
International Environment Forum*
27 August - 3 September 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa
In conjunction with the Science Forum, the Global Peoples
and other events parallel to the World Summit on Sustainable
Making Globalization Sustainable and
- Through Science, Values and Education
(see Conference Report)
The 6th annual conference of the International Environment Forum consisted of a series of parallel events associated with the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg during the period 26 August - 4 September 2002. Because of the practical difficulties arranging Internet connections in Johannesburg, the electronic conference for those unable to come to South Africa took the form of a pre-conference electronic forum during the first half of August. The IEF prepared a set of position papers on each theme and on the overall conference programme at the World Summit for Sustainable Development, as background for the electronic conference and for the discussions at each event. The following programme includes links (underlined) to the separate papers of the presenters where they exist. See also the description of each event in the Conference Report.
Tuesday 27 August
Organized by the International Environment Forum
in collaboration with the Stakeholder
Forum and other partners
as part of the official Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for
Sustainable Development
Ubuntu Village Science Forum
The opening panel discussion of leading experts consisted of:
Chair: Dr. Halldor Thorgeirsson, Government of Iceland, and Chair, UNFCCC SBSTA
Introduction: usefulness of indicators for
sustainable development
Dr. Arthur Dahl, former Coordinator, UN System-wide Earthwatch, United
Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, and President,
International Environment Forum
Dashboard of Sustainability
Mr. Jochen Jesinghaus, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission,
Ispra, Italy, and Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indicators
National level indicators
Ms. Maria Lourdes M. Lagarde, Sustainable Development Officer, Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, USA
Indicators at the local level
Mr. Gary Lawrence, President, Sustainable Strategies & Solutions,
Inc., Seattle, Washington, USA
Process indicators for decoupling
economic growth and environmental impact
Prof. Bedrich Moldan, Director, Environment Centre, Charles University,
Prague, Czech Republic, and former Chairman, UN Commission on Sustainable
The challenge of integration across levels
Dr. Sylvia Karlsson, International Science Project Coordinator,
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change,
Bonn, Germany, and General Secretary, International Environment Forum
Following the panel, the discussion facilitated by Nigel Gibbs of the Stakeholder Forum focused on potential partnerships for further work on indicators, and for their wider implementation.
See also the IEF position paper on Indicators for Sustainability
Sunday 1 September
NASREC Global Peoples Forum
Educating for a sustainable future -
the promise of the Earth Charter
Dr Brendan Mackey, Reader in Ecology and Environmental Science, Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia, member of the Earth Charter
international drafting team, and Director, Earth Charter education
Environmental Awards Scheme
Dr Irma Allen (Swaziland), Africa Technical Adviser, USAID's Global
Environmental Education and Communication (GreenCOM) Project, working with
projects in Egypt, Tanzania and South Africa; Board Member of the
Swaziland Environment Authority, and recipient of a UNEP Global 500 Award
for her work in environmental education in Africa
System of Tutorial Learning (SAT) in Colombia
and Honduras
Michael Richards, natural resources economist with 25 years experience on
rural development and tropical forestry issues; Trustee of the Bahá'Ã
Agency for Social and Economic Development (BASED-UK). See separate paper
by Michael Richards: SAT - Rural Education for
Sustainable Development
Download powerpoint presentation (590 K) or
see outline from powerpoint presentation
See also the IEF position paper on Education and Values for Sustainable Development
Saturday 31 August
Annual General Assembly of the International Environment Forum
National Baha'i Centre, Johannesburg
Monday 2 September
University of Witwatersrand
Introduction: Bridging multiple
knowledge divides - rationales for local science integration
Dr. Sylvia Karlsson, International Science Project Co-ordinator,
International Human Dimensions Programme, Bonn, Germany
Agriflection: Facilitating learning
partnerships in applied agricultural science
Mr. Steve Worth, Senior Lecturer and Manager of the Undergraduate
Programme, The Centre for Rural Development Systems, University of Natal -
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Science for Rural Education and Development: A
Case Study from Colombia
Mr. Michael Richards, Research Consultant in Rural Development and
Natural Resources Economics, Trustee of Baha'i Agency for Social and
Economic Development (BASED-UK), United Kingdom. Download powerpoint
presentation (390 K)
Innovative approaches to
community-based science education in China
Mr. Keith A. Metzner, Community Development Advisor for Biodiversity
Conservation, Eastern Steppe Biodiversity Project, Choibalsan, Mongolia
Linking science and indigenous knowledge for
community environmental management
Dr. Arthur Dahl, former Coordinator, UN System-wide Earthwatch, United
Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland
See also the IEF position paper on Integrating Science in Local Communities
Tuesday 3 September
A joint seminar of the International Environment Forum and the European
Bahá'à Business Forum
IUCN Environment Center
The distinguished panel of experts on globalization was chaired by Dr. Wendi Momen, President, European Baha'i Business Forum
Environmental and Ecological Dimensions of
Dr. Arthur Lyon Dahl, President, International Environment Forum, and
former Deputy Assistant Executive Director, United Nations Environment
Programme, Geneva, Switzerland
Economic Globalization: Some Pros and Cons
Dr. Iraj Abedian, Director and Group Economist, Standard Bank,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Governance and Political Dimensions
Dr. Felix Dodds, Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum for Our Common
Future, London, England
See also the IEF Statement on Multiple Dimensions of Globalization
* The International Environment Forum is an international Baha'i-inspired non-governmental organization that addresses environment and sustainable development. It was accredited to the WSSD in the category of scientific and technological organizations.
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International Environment Forum - Updated 1 January 2003