Learning Centre on Sustainability

The IEF Learning Centre is a place for you to start learning about the
environment, climate change and sustainable development,
and also to find resources that you can use to teach others.
Course Materials
Courses and training materials for local use or adaptation
Materials for children
Educational materials and activities on nature and the environment
Group Exercises on Sustainable Development and Spirituality
Activities to create interest and motivation for local groups and communities
Devotional Programmes
Devotional materials on themes of environment and sustainability
Case studies
Practical activities that are bringing more sustainability
Things you can do
Practical suggestions for changing your lifestyle
Webinars and videos by IEF members on themes of environment and sustainable development
UNESCO Global Action Programme
successor to the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
Access to resources and activities concerning this UNESCO-led effort.
A page introducing indicators of sustainability
and some of the most important activities in this area
Presentations and recordings on sustainable development
Presentations (powerpoints) and audio recordings to inspire and educate
(large files)
Baha'i writings on sustainable development
A compilation of quotations by sustainability topics
also available in French [français]
IEF Sustapedia
An encyclopedia of environment and sustainable development (not updated)
Reading list
Suggested books for further reading
Useful materials on sustainability from other sites
The course materials on this website have been developed with as objective
a science base as possible for different social and cultural contexts,
but no one course will be suitable everywhere. It is important to read your
own reality and to decide if all or parts of any one course are suitable,
adapting them to your own context, or creating new, more appropriate course
materials yourself. If you do develop your own courses and would like to share
them more widely, please do send them to info@iefworld.org
Course on Sustainable Development and Human Prosperity
A course in 6 units that you can study or share with a group
Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change
An Interfaith Study Course in 10 units
Les dimensions scientifiques et spirituelles du changement climatique
A French Interfaith Study Course in 5 classes
Un cours interreligieux en français en 5 modules
Las dimensiones cientÃficas y espirituales del cambio climatico (pdf)
A Spanish Interfaith Study Course in 5 classes
Una clase entrereligiosa en español en 5 modulos
Environment and Spirituality
Versions in English and French
A workshop or course in four units with Bahá'à teachings on the environment and spirituality, especially those of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Un cours en français sur les enseignements baha'is sur l'environnement et la spiritualité, surtout ceux d'Abdu'l-Bahá
Youth Discourse
Presentations to prepare youth for discourse on issues they are concerned about concerning the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability. These half-hour pdf presentations can be useful in junior youth groups, youth classes and other activities
Preparing for Public Discourse
Five presentations on how to prepare for public discourse about the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability,
the need for global governance, and discourse in your local community
One Planet - One Habitation
2022 Bahá'à International Community statement giving a Bahá'à perspective on recasting our relationship with the natural world,
presentations available for study as pdf or ppt in different formats:
Full text with boxes and additional content, single presentation in 125 slides as: pdf or ppt
Full text divided into four classes: part 1 pdf or ppt, part 2 pdf or ppt, part 3 pdf or ppt, part 4 pdf or ppt
Text of statement without additional material: pdf or ppt
Introduction to the statement and its content: pdf or ppt
Statement in BIC brochure format as presentation: pdf or ppt
Summary of the main themes in simplified language as presentation: pdf or ppt
or summary text as a web page, pdf or doc
Simplified text in seven presentations for older children and junior youth
The Story of Stuff: A Baha'i-inspired Program for Youth
Six units on responsible consumption to accompany the famous video 2018
Biodiversity Values Assessment Study Guide
134 slide presentation in pdf (10 mb), with the main messages of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Biodiversity Values Assessment Summary for Policy-Makers 2022 (see more here).
Values-based learning and indicators for education for responsible living and sustainability
Three toolkits for students, teachers and secondary schools
created with the Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) 2015
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures
Reports from a research project in India, Rwanda, Somalia/Somaliland and South Africa 2019-2023 with valuable learning for educational activities respecting the world views and values of marginalised groups. These could serve as inspiration for social action in education.
Rural Environmental Management training materials
Simple materials for use in rural areas of developing countries
in 40 modules for community use or self instruction
Group exercises on Education for Sustainable Development and Spirituality
Selected texts from Engaging People in Sustainability and the Baha'i writings
Community Materials on Climate Change
Prepared by the United States Baha'i Community for the Preach-in on Global Warming 2011
including Devotional Readings and supplemental materials for Junior Youth and Children's Classes
Families as Agents of Change:
Collectively Advancing Efforts to Build a Just and Sustainable Society
Baha'i Writings and passages for five days of study, prepared by the U.S. Baha'i Community, 2015
Spiritual Reflections
Two part programme of inspiring stories of Baha'is, and quotations from Baha'u'llah
originally used at the 9th IEF Conference
Life story of Richard St. Barbe Baker (1889-1983), "Man of the Trees", forester, early environmentalist and Bahá'Ã
Presentations combining beautiful photographs and texts from sacred scriptures
and other writings, suitable for opening meetings or creating a meditative atmosphere.
A musical accompaniment could be added, and the texts read out loud
Reflections on Creation (5.3mb)
prepared by Peter Adriance
Devotional about Richard St.Barbe Baker, "Man of the Trees" (7.8mb)
prepared for the 11th IEF Conference
Life story of Richard St. Barbe Baker (1889-1983), "Man of the Trees", forester, early environmentalist and Bahá'Ã

Last updated 9 October 2024