Community building and social action
Excerpts from the Universal House of Justice
Ridvan Message 30 April 2023
The international governing body of the Bahá'à Faith has issued its annual message celebrating the Declaration of Bahá'u'lláh, the Founder of the Bahá'à Faith. The following excerpt refers to community life and social action, including for the environment.
"In place after place, the initiatives being pursued reveal a population learning how to take increasing responsibility for navigating the path of its own development. The resulting spiritual and social transformation manifests itself in the life of a people in a variety of ways.... ...increasing attention needs to be given to other processes that seek to enhance the life of a community — for example, by improving public health, protecting the environment, or drawing more effectively on the power of the arts. What is required for all these complementary aspects of a community’s well-being to advance is, of course, the capacity to engage in systematic learning in all these areas — a capacity that draws on insights arising from the Teachings and the accumulated store of human knowledge generated through scientific enquiry. As this capacity grows, much will be accomplished over the coming decades."
Last updated 30 April 2023