Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF) is a UK Global Challenges Research Fund-supported Network Plus, co-ordinated out of the University of Bristol, working with partners in India, Rwanda, Somalia/Somaliland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. It undertakes collaborative research to Transform Education for Sustainable Futures. It is a large (£2.5 million) action research project, with national hubs in India, Rwanda, Somalia and South Africa. IEF Member Terra Sprague helps to manage the network, and Arthur Dahl is on the Advisory Group. Visit its website at https://tesf.network/, where you can find briefing notes on topics such as Learning for Sustainable Livelihoods, Collaboration and Capacity Development, Climate Change and Education, Addressing Inequalities, and The Case for Transformative Public Education.
The inception event with a public launching was held at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom, on 5-8 January 2020. Project leaders from each country participated in the inception meeting, and presented at a public launching of the project. A photo album of the meeting is at http://yabaha.net/dahl/travel/t2020/Bristol/Bristol.html.
The Case for Transformative Public Education: Responding to Covid-19 now while addressing long-term underlying inequalities
Educating the public is central to governmental and NGO responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. This briefing paper of the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network Plus addresses the following topics:
- What is Transformative Public Education
- Why Transformative Public Education matters to the COVID-19 response
- Why Transformative Public Education matters for addressing long-term underlying risks to communities
- Examples of Transformative Public Education responses to COVID-19
- Suggestions for governments and state welfare actors seeking to work with Transformative Public Education
- Suggestions for community leaders working with
- Transformative Public Education Transformative Public Education in times of physical distancing
- Key readings and resources
TESF encourages sharing the briefing paper: https://tesf.network/resource/transformative-public-education/
Last updated 20 May 2020