Newsletter of the
Volume 5, Number 1 --- April 2003
NEWS FROM THE EDITORFriends, the spring newsletter is here with information about: The 7th Annual IEF Conference, A United Nations Convention on Climate Change in India, On-line courses in climatology, A consultancy opportunity in Honduras A non-Bahá¹í-organized conference on sustainable resources. New members Please send us contributions about environmental issues in your country which may be published in future issues of LEAVES! I hope that you will enjoy this issue of LEAVES and remain with warmest greetings. - Dr. Bettina Moser (for the LEAVES team) CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT
ON-LINE COURSES IN CLIMATOLOGY(from a contribution by Michael Richards, IEF member from UK) Following (non-comprehensive) information highlights opportunities to pursue long-distance education in the field of Climatology. (Source:"Climate Change Info Mailing List" climate-l@lists.iisd.ca). Some of these programs offer on-line MSc degrees or courses counting towards a MSc. 1. DeMontfort University offers a distance learning MSc course
on Climate Change and Sustainable Development - It can be taken
as One year full-time; two to six years part-time and distance
learning. 2. University of East Anglia offers an MSc in Climate Change
currently on-site but plans to offer on-line soon. 3. The University of California San Diego offers two courses on
climate change. 4. The University of Staffordshire offers a distance learning
course called SCM82008-M - Sustainability Issues and Case
Studies (covers climate change issues to some extent). 5. IGES offers 4 short eLearning courses on climate change.
Please refer to: http://www.iges.net/ecourses.htm
NEW MEMBERS(as of April 2003) Jose Maldonado, Switzerland (Honduras)
NEXT ISSUEThe next issue of LEAVES is planned for September. |
Sylvia Karlsson
Sigmund Freud Str. 36
D-53127 Bonn
Email: ief@bcca.org
website: www.bcca.org/ief
Updated 29 June 2003