Endorse our proposals for UN reform
Together First is an association of civil society organizations including IEF that is coordinating inputs to the United Nations consultation on UN reform in its 75th year. Many organizations have submitted proposals to Together First for consideration, and the most popular will be incorporated into its submission to the UN. These have now been published on line, and the public is being invited to endorse those that they find most important. Two proposals are of special interest to IEF:
Governance, Science and the Climate Crisis
submitted by the International Environment Forum
Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century
submitted by the Global Governance Forum
in which IEF members are major partners
We invite you to endorse these proposals if you agree (there is an Endorse button to the left) and encourage all your friends and contacts to do the same.
Last updated 10 March 2020