CBD COP15: Countries are preparing new global goals to protect Nature –
what do they mean? What is our role in achieving them?
15th IEF Webinar
with Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen
Saturday 3 December 2022
In this webinar, Sylvia gave a background to and brief summary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the overarching international treaty for addressing the alarming loss of biological species around the world. She outlined what member states to the convention are hoping to agree on in the upcoming important Conference of the Parties (COP15) that will be held in Montreal between 5 and 18 December. Finally, she provided reflections on the topics discussed in Montreal in light of the recent statement by the Baha’i International Community, “One Planet, One Habitation.”
Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen is Associate Professor with the Public Administration and Policy Group of Wageningen University. She studies the effectiveness and legitimacy of global and multilevel sustainable development governance, and the interaction between knowledge, values, and institutions. Sylvia is a member of the Task Force on Scenarios and Models for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and serves on the Board of Trustees of the One World Trust and the governing board of the International Environment Forum. She has a PhD in political science from Linköping University, Sweden.
This webinar took place Saturday 3 December 2022.
Last updated 5 December 2022