Newsletter of the
Volume 1, Number 1 --- April 1999
"Reflect upon the inner realities of the universe, the secret wisdoms involved, the enigmas, the inter-relationships, the rules that govern all. For every part of the universe is connected to every other part by ties that are very powerful and admit no imbalance, nor any slackening whatsoever"
LAUNCHING OF LEAVES!This is the very first issue of "Leaves" the Newsletter of the International Environment Forum. The board hopes that this newsletter will serve the purpose to share information from the board with members, for members to share information with each other and facilitate networking. The newsletter will be distributed in electronic format primarily via email to cut costs but for those members who do not have email we will send a paper copy of it. The newsletter is also posted on the IEF webpage (see below). The newsletter will be sent to all members of the IEF. This first issue will also be sent to those around 50 people who at some point during the last two years have indicated that they wish to have information on the development and activities of the IEF but who have not expressed their desire to become members. From the next issue "Leaves" will only be sent to members, but it is still accessible for everyone on the webpage.
THE GOVERNING BOARDThe Governing Board has met two times over email since the annual conference, on 24 December-10 January and 13-21 March. On the agenda was foremost the organization of the 3rd annual conference which this year will be co-organized with BASED-UK (see announcement below). It is the hope of the board that this collaboration will attract a wider audience and enable a dynamic setting for the conference. Other topics consulted upon were how to start the work on publications, the launching of our official website, the development of education materials on environment and sustainable development and plans for World Environment Day/Earth Day in the year 2000.
CONFERENCE FOLLOW-UPTwo of the papers presented at the conference, by Arthur Dahl and Peter Adriance, will be published in modified form in the Herald of the South magazine. This means that the deliberations will reach an even wider audience.
EARTH CHARTERA new bench mark draft of the Earth Charter has recently been
released by the Earth Council. It can be found at: http://www.earthcharter/org/draft/
Email: ief @ bcca.org [no spaces] The website is still under construction so please visit it but be patient with the sections still to be added. This newsletter is posted there as well as conference reports and papers, information material, Bahá'à quotations and statements, etc.
NEWS FROM MEMBERSUnder this headline we will report on interesting activities of members, participation in conferences, in environment projects etc. Please send your contributions to the secretariat.
Tahereh Nadarajah reports from Mongolia: "I teach a 'Sustainable Development and Resource Management' course at the International Ulaanbaatar College this year. Colorado University asked me to design the program as I see fit for Mongolia. As part of the course (decision making method) I have included the Consultation prepared by Badi Foundation in Macao. I'm also working very closely with the Mongolian Development Centre, which is a Baha'i inspired NGO. As part of our projects, we teach a Social Enterprize course which is prepared by Badi Foundation. It includes Transformation of the Heart and Consultation. We then teach the project people (or the community) about group dynamics, moral education and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Then the necessary skills such as gardening, etc.
MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS New members registered after the latest annotated
directory (4 November 1998): Voting members: 34 An updated annotated directory will be issued in July. Please send information to the secretariat on changes of address etc.
Sylvia Karlsson
Arrendegatan 65
S-58335 Linköping
Tel: +46-13-211106
Fax: +46-13-211106
Email: ief@bcca.org