Newsletter of the
Volume 3, Number 3 --- September 2001
FROM THE EDITORSThis issue of LEAVES is primarily dedicated to give the detailed programmes of the two major IEF activities of the year: the 5th Annual Conference and the IEF seminar at the Orlando conference on social and economic development. We hope that the programmes will inspire those of you who have not yet decided to come, to change your minds! We are also including a couple of conference announcements and the advertisement for an ongoing (September) on-line consultation on the Rio+10 process. As always our final meassage to all members and associates is to send in reports of your activities, conference announcements, book reviews etc. - Sylvia Karlsson and Christiana Lawson
5TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FORUMIt is still possible to register for the conference, and also for the electronic version. Deadline: 1 October. See previous sendouts for more information, or our website www.bcca.org/ief Knowledge, Values and Education for Sustainable Development"19-21 October 2001 PROGRAMME Friday 19 October 14.30-15.30 From Stockholm via Rio to Johannesburg Saturday 20 October 13.30-14.15 Panel I: Knowledge for sustainable development 15.15-16.30 Panel III: Education for sustainable development 19.30-20.30 A project on moral education in Bosnia 20.30 -21.30 Evening cultural programme Sunday 21 October 13.30-15.30 General Assembly of the International Environment Forum
IEF SPONSORED PROGRAM AT THE 2001 ORLANDO CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTDECEMBER 2001 Theme: "Application of Bahá'à Principles in Sustainable Development and the Environment" Wednesday, December 12 These offerings will help participants to better understand how the Bahá'à teachings apply to and can influence sustainable development in the global and local contexts. Members of the International Environment Forum will present overviews of Bahá'à involvement in recent international/U.N. environment related activities and of different faith perspectives regarding the environment. 11:15 - 12:00 "The Three Sisters Garden Project: Indigenous
Agricultural Values Respectful of the Environment" 14.00-15.15 "Reconnecting Faith with Home" - Part I This workshop examines the disconnects between faith and place and explores some of the faith and place-based resources (including Green Maps) that can help people understand more about local environments. This understanding is a prerequisite to being more effective stewards of the gifts of home. The requirements of faith-based stewardship, a different, more intense level of personal involvement in nurturing local resources, will also be discussed. 3:30 - 5:00 "And All Life is Sacred: First Nations Reflections
on the Environment" In this presentation, members of two sister "Baha'i Drums" come together in celebration of the Teaching "And All Life is Sacred" - Sohnela Wiji (East Coast) and Honour All Nations (West Coast). Drawing on East Coast First Nations Teachings and the Baha'i Sacred Writings on Agriculture and the Environment, Sohnela Wiji Drum Keepers speak to the role of First Nations women as keepers and teachers of the wisdom of Mother Earth. Members of Honour All Nations Drum Group give voice to the interrelationship of sacred place and song in Northwest Coast culture and its role as a tool for transformation, community healing, and building relationships. Together, presenters will share songs they have received during their travels and set Baha'i Sacred Texts to the drum. Saturday , December 15 This workshop begins with a brief summary of the Wednesday afternoon session, followed by an interactive workshop that applies some of the tools and ideas presented. Participants will be involved in an introductory Green Map exercise, experiencing how faith-based and other community resources can be applied in promoting investigation/assessment of local communities. We will cover the use of ecological/cultural icons to symbolize important sites, finding and using a "base map," community investigation skills, and using maps as resources for promoting community sustainability initiatives.
WSSD ONLINE DEBATEYour chance to speak out on 'What Earth Summit 2002 should be
trying to achieve?' Key writers and thinkers on sustainable
development will start the debate. Everyone is encouraged to
join in. Questions Week 2 (10 - 16 September) Week 3 (17 - 23 September) Week 4 (24 - 30 September) If those questions trouble you, please join us to discuss them. We will produce weekly summaries and a final report of the discussions, analysing the results and different viewpoints and recommendations. The report will be widely disseminated to policy-makers and all other interested stakeholders engaged in the 2nd PrepCom of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (New York, January 2002) and be made available online. More information is available at www.lifeonline.org |
NEXT ISSUEThe next issue of LEAVES is planned for December. |
International Conference Renewable Energy Sources on the Verge of XXI Century.The event will be held in Warsaw December 9-11, 2001. The conference is promoted by the Polish Ministries of: Science, Economy, Environment, and Agriculture and Rural Development. It will gather 300 persons representing research and development institutes, international organisations, authorities, producers and investors in renewable energy sector. It will comprise three plenary sessions on December 10 and eight technical sessions on December 11. There is an opportunity for selected speakers to present a paper within on of the eight technical sessions: biomass energy, solar energy, wind energy, small hydro plants, geothermal energy, renewable energy sources in agriculture, renewable energy sources in architecture, general issues of renewable energy sector. If you are interested in submitting a paper in an area of the
session, or in attending the conference, please complete the
enclosed application form. If you would like further information
please contact either Joanna Dudzilska or Ludmila Lakomiec
Second Non-governmental Organization Forum on U.S.-China Environmental CooperationNovember 14-16, 2001
10th International
Conference of the Greening of Industry Network:
Sylvia Karlsson
Sigmund Freud Str. 36
D-53127 Bonn
Email: ief@bcca.org
website: www.bcca.org/ief
Updated 18 September 2001