Newsletter of the
Volume 4, Number 2 --- July 2002
FROM THE EDITORSMembers of the IEF have been actively involved in the preparatory meetings leading up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa next month. This event, otherwise known as Rio+10 in recognition of the 10th anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit, many hope to be a pivotal occasion in the global management of Earth's natural resources. In addition to our participation in numerous WSSD events, the IEF is blessed to have the opportunity to hold our 6th annual conference at the National Centre of the Baha'is of South Africa. You'll find information about many of the exciting events taking place in a few short weeks below and on the IEF website. Please note the imminent deadline for taking part in the electronic conference. And please note that the kind of support for WSSD activities we asked for in the special email we sent out to members in early May is still needed, including donations (write to us if you did not receive that email). - Sylvia Karlsson and Christiana Lawson 6TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEF
IEF WEBSITEYou will shortly find that our website has its first pages in Spanish thanks to translation work by Fabiana Mendez Raya, IEF member in Bolivia. Further changes include the addition of the small booklet "Spiritual Foundations of an Ecologically Sustainable Society" by Robert White at http://www.bcca.org/ief/dwhite98.htm NEXT ISSUEAlthough we never seem to be able to keep the deadlines we set out for the next issue of Leaves, we hope to get one out as soon as possible after the WSSD. Deadline for submissions would then be 10 September. |
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTSDRAFT POLITICAL DECLARATION FOR WSSDYou are invited to join a discussion of the draft Political Declaration, which has recently been published on the official WSSD site. It will be discussed in relation to an alternative version drafted by Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future. Join the discussion on Earth Summit for All at ___. The outcomes of this discussion will feed into the Implementation Conference in Johannesburg being held just before the WSSD and into the WSSD itself. 2002 BERLIN CONFERENCE ON THE HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE"Knowledge for the Sustainability Transition: The Challenge for Social Science" The Environmental Policy and Global Change Section of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) invites papers for the 2002 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, to be held in Berlin on 6-7 December 2002. Papers for the conference on one of three sets of questions are invited: KNOWLEDGE FOR SUSTAINABILITY: THREE RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. Papers that analyse ways in which national and international politics and institutions influence the way sustainability knowledge is generated, distributed and used by actors. Papers could address, for example, ways in which political systems influence scientific research for the sustainability transition, including policies that shape the development and safe use of new technologies both harmful and beneficial to the sustainability transition. We also invite papers that examine the distribution and utilisation of knowledge, from scientific information to technical expertise, and that seek to explain the role of political institutions and political and societal actors in these knowledge-generation processes. 2. Papers that view knowledge as a factor that affects and influences political decision-making and analyse the ways in which existing knowledge--from scientific information to more general ideas, discourses or belief systems--affects the ways in which political actors respond to the global environmental crisis. 3. Papers that respond to the challenges raised by recent thinkers who have argued for fundamental changes in the way science is conducted--thinkers who have put forward integrative concepts such as 'earth system analysis', 'syndromes of global change' or 'sustainability science'. We welcome innovative and (self-)critical papers and hope to stir up debate within the social science community. The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2002. Further information will be posted at www.environmental-policy.de. GLOBAL ISLANDA new democracy game for young people on the Internet. The game is part of a major global awareness campaign in connection with the World Summit in Johannesburg. The Summit is getting closer and so is the first round of Global Island (see www.globalisland.nu). In the Global Island game serious dilemmas are presented for debate in local Parliaments, and the goal is to find a solution to the problems caused by the dilemmas, avoiding serious conflicts from arising. Visit www.globalisland.nu for more information and registration. GREEN CROSS INTERNATIONAL - EARTH DIALOGUESThe Earth Dialogues is a public forum initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong, which aims to mobilise global public interest and action to promote three important objectives essential to the future of humanity: averting the ecological disasters which threaten our planet; fighting the plague of poverty; and acting to ensure truly sustainable development. For more information on their latest report, see http://www.earthdialogues.org/documents/synthesis.html and explore also NEW PUBLICATIONS"Goals and Conditions for a Sustainable World" by John Cairns, Jr., University Distinguished Professor of Environmental Biology Emeritus, can be downloaded at http://www.esep.de/journals/esep/esepbooks.html. ESEP is the publication organ of the Eco-Ethics International Union (www.eeiu.org). "Evaluation of U.S. Progress on Agenda 21". IEF members attending PrepCom IV in Bali met John C. Dernbach of Widener University Law School in Pennsylvania. Prof. Dernbach has recently edited Stumbling Towards Sustainability, a new collection of essays that assesses the progress made in the United States towards implementing the recommendations set out in Agenda 21. For more information, visit the Environmental Law Institute's website: http://www.eli.org. NEWS FROM MEMBERS"Whither Diversity in the Environmental Movement" This article, written by new IEF member Norman MacLeod, is available at ___ NEW MEMBERS(as of July 2002) Kate Lindsay (Canada) Andrew Mancey (Guyana) Adam O'Toole (Australia) Shakhti Prakash (India) Terry Robinson (USA) Steve Worth (South Africa) T. Dehday Beh (Ghana) Hanna Snorradottir (Sweden) Said Jalali (Portugal) Norman McLoad (USA) Lars Rogers (Switzerland) Gail Lash (USA) Mojgan Sami (USA) Welcome! MISSING MEMBERSKaykhosrov Manucheri Erin O'Connor Terry Robinson Please inform the IEF Secretariat if you have a recent email for any of these members. We have lost contact with them. UPDATE YOUR ADDRESSPlease send information to the secretariat on changes of address etc. We are "losing" members whose email starts bouncing because they have not informed us of their new address. |
Sylvia Karlsson
Sigmund Freud Str. 36
D-53127 Bonn
Email: ief@bcca.org
website: www.bcca.org/ief
Updated 19 September 2002