In Pursuit of Hope in a Time of Crisis
Webinar with Arthur Dahl
Saturday 25 April 2020
The Wilmette Institute and ebbf-Ethical Business Building the Future are organizing a series of weekly webinars on the general theme Addressing the Present, Building the Future. The webinar on Saturday 25 April was on In Pursuit of Hope in a Time of Crisis featuring IEF President Arthur Dahl.
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As COVID-19 sweeps the world, fear and panic are natural responses. The world was already in a mess, and now mass suffering is impacting everyone. For young people, their future already overshadowed by the climate catastrophe, hope may seem impossible. Yet this cloud does have a silver lining giving hope, which we can explore together. My recent book "In Pursuit of Hope", suggests ways to arm ourselves for the environmental, social and economic challenges we are now facing and those still to come. See if you leave this webinar with more hope in the future.
The book referred to in the webinar is:
Oxford: George Ronald Publisher, soft cover £10.99 / $18.99 204 pages. Order from…. A Kindle version is available from Amazon.
Last updated 26 April 2020