IEF General Assembly and Annual Report
25 September 2022
The International Environment Forum held its 26th Annual General Assembly over Zoom on 25 September, with members from 15 countries participating. In the election for the IEF Governing Board, the same members were re-elected: Arthur Dahl (Switzerland), Christine Muller (USA), Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen (Netherlands), Laurent Mesbah (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Victoria Thoresen (Norway), Wendi Momen (UK), and Halldor Thorgeirsson (Iceland). The IEF Annual Report 2021-2022 describing the activities over the past year was reviewed and approved. There was a rich consultation on the IEF Strategic Plan and on coming activities, with volunteers to assist, especially among the youth. We look forward to another productive year ahead.
Last updated 26 September 2022