IEF Governing Board member Duncan Hanks has co-edited with Roy Steiner a book: "Harnessing the Power of Collective Learning: Feedback, accountability and constituent voice in rural development" (London and New York: Routledge, 2016, 260 p.). The book includes eleven case studies of organizations trying to develop and implement collective learning systems as an integral component of sustainable development practice. Both the editors and several of the authors are Baha'is, and this is reflected in their approaches to professional challenges in their field. The initial and concluding chapters by the editors summarize recent learning about more inclusive, bottom-up approaches to development. They reflect on the uses of new information technologies in feedback and learning, on community engagement, and on learning and system-level approached. The emerging elements for collective learning in development that they identify from the case studies include: feedback loops and participant voice, making sense of the data, relationships matter, being systematic ensures coherence, development is learning and learning is key, sustainability, and a common vision of service/learning attitude and culture. Anyone involved in rural development will find in this book many practical examples of learning and good practice in this rapidly evolving field.